The Top 7 Reasons to Join a Podcast Network

Creating content for your podcast is one thing, but figuring out how to distribute and monetize your show can be tricky. Should you try to do everything solo, or would you be better served by joining a podcast network?

This guide will help you understand what a podcast network is, the requirements for joining, and how a podcast network can benefit your show. With this information, you’ll be ready to make the right choice for growing your podcast.

What Is a Podcast Network?

Podcast network: Man laughs while wearing headphones and speaking into a microphone

A podcast network is overseen by network managers who help get sponsorship deals for all the shows that are part of the network. The network will also help market each podcast to grow its audience and increase its advertising potential.

With the rising popularity of podcasts, you'll find a wide range of podcast networks you could join. For example, many of the most popular podcasts in 2021 used networks like Spotify, Earwolf, WNYC Studios, The New York Times, iHeartRadio, NPR, PodcastOne, Wondery, and This American Life.

Many podcast networks focus on a specific category or subcategory, such as true crime or pop culture. Grouping podcasts that cover similar niches together makes it easier for listeners to discover new shows they might enjoy. It also makes it easier for the network to sell advertising packages to brands that want to reach those audiences.

How Do I Join a Podcast Network?

There are a few requirements for joining a podcast network. For example, most networks require a show to have a minimum number of downloads per episode or month (typically at least 1,000 per episode). 

Often, smaller shows will need to grow their audience before they can join. And since the average podcast episode only achieves 141 downloads, the number of shows that can join a network is somewhat limited. Networks also typically want podcasts that post new episodes regularly, such as once per week.

Because the network will take on most of the heavy lifting when securing advertising and sponsorships, they will also take a cut of your advertising revenue. And you may be asked to cross-promote other shows within the network. 

This could lead to some loss of creative control over what type of ads you allow on your show. As such, you should carefully read any contract before agreeing to join a network.

The Top 7 Benefits of Joining a Podcast Network

A quality podcast network provides much-needed support to help a show increase its revenue and audience, significantly improving its chances for long-term success. Here’s a breakdown of some specific ways that joining a podcast network can benefit podcasters.

1. Additional Marketing

Podcast networks thrive on the success of all the shows that are part of the network. Podcast ads are typically sold by CPM (cost per mille or 1,000 listeners). The more people who listen to the podcast, the more advertisers will pay for pre-roll ads, post-roll ads, and so on.

Because of this, it’s in the network’s interest to promote its podcasts on social media and through other shows within its network. Alternatively, the network may provide each podcast with a marketing budget to promote its own show. Either way, the additional advertising is a great way to grow your listenership.

2. Sponsorship Access

PodcastWoman passionately speaking into microphone

Networks obtain podcast advertising for all of their shows. This means you don’t have to seek out and negotiate with sponsors to get placements for pre-roll ads, mid-roll ads, and post-roll ads. Instead, the podcast network will do all the work, and you can focus your time and energy on the aspects of podcasting that you actually enjoy! 

Once an ad placement is secured, the network will provide the audio files for you to add to the show at the appropriate times or send the script for you to read as part of your broadcast.

While revenue sharing may mean you’re giving a portion of your ad revenue to the network, it’ll likely help you increase your total earnings by making it easier to get those sponsorships in the first place. This is especially true of larger advertisers, who often prefer to negotiate with a network rather than individual podcasters.

3. Production Assistance

Networks want their podcast hosts to succeed — and they'll often provide valuable production assistance so you can create a higher-quality program. 

The level of assistance varies from network to network. However, it could include editing services, research assistance, or advice from other experienced podcasters. If nothing else, you’ll have more time to develop a quality show when you no longer have to worry about monetization. And every little bit helps!

4. Increased Listenership

A natural outcome of joining a podcast network is that you can increase your listenership much faster than you would as an independent podcaster. In addition, the network’s marketing will give you greater exposure to potential listeners who might not have discovered you otherwise. 

This is especially true of networks that use cross-promotions, where hosts promote other network podcasts during their episodes. Castr’s own research has found that letting a host deliver the ad in a personalized manner with a series of talking points helps them adapt the content for their audience in a more compelling and appealing way. 

As your listenership grows, so does your earning potential. For example, a report from May 2022 found that one podcast network had an average CPM of $23.77 for ads on its shows. And the more your listenership grows, the higher your revenue from advertising will be.

5. Greater Credibility

Part of the reason that podcast networks can help grow your audience so effectively is that they give greater credibility to your show. When your show is part of a network that listeners already know and enjoy — or another podcast recommends your show as part of a cross-promotion — it has more credibility than a standalone ad.

So, being part of a podcast network gives the added perception of being an authority, making listeners much more likely to try out a new podcast.

6. Networking Opportunities

Podcast network: Hosts recording podcast in neon-lit room

One unique aspect of joining a podcast network is that it provides access to a wide range of potential networking opportunities. For example, you could use your network connections to obtain tips and ideas from other podcasters or undertake special partnerships where you appear on each other’s podcasts to help grow your audiences.

While you could certainly reach out to other podcasters when doing everything on your own, shared membership in a podcast network gives you an “in” that will make reaching out and collaborating that much easier.

7. Better Data

Many podcast networks track listener data for each of their shows — after all, this is important for setting advertising rates. And this data can give you valuable insights about your listeners. As you better understand your listener demographics and what appeals to them, you can refine your show’s content to make it more engaging.

Don’t Overlook Podcast Networks

The right podcast network can offer several valuable benefits as you grow your audience and monetize your content. By marketing your show, providing credibility, helping you obtain sponsors, and giving you access to partnerships and production assistance, networks help position you to accelerate growth. 

A high-quality network arrangement can lead to lasting success, allowing you to go from running an independent podcast on the side to focusing on audio content as a full-time career.

Castr is ready to help you build the best podcast possible with tailored media packs. If your podcast achieves over 10,000 downloads per episode, contact us today to get your free media pack and start building lasting relationships with relevant brands.