Which Podcast Genre Should You Choose for Your Podcast?

When it comes to starting your own podcast, the type of podcast you decide to do matters. After all, if you want to appeal to podcast listeners and get lots of downloads, you’re going to want to pick a popular podcast genre. At the same time, however, you must ensure that you’ll be able to consistently produce quality audio content.

Your chosen podcast genre and podcast format can go a long way in helping you grow your audience to the point where you can join a podcast network or achieve major sponsorships from relevant advertisers.

So which podcast genre is right for you? Here’s a closer look at some of the top genres and formats, as well as some tips to help you figure out which one you should try.

Understanding Different Podcast Formats

Woman smiles wearing headphones and sitting in front of microphone

Among the top podcast genres, there are several formats that could be used to deliver audio content to your audience. Some of the most common podcast formats include:

7 Most Popular Podcast Genres

Podcast genre: Four cohosts of podcast laughing together

There are several different types of podcasts, each of which appeal to different demographics. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most popular genres with podcast consumers:

How to Pick the Right Podcast Genre

Woman chooses podcast genre on computer

A great podcast starts by choosing the genre and format that will give you the greatest chances for success. When deciding which podcast genre would be a good fit for you, consider these important factors.

Survey Your Own Knowledge and Interests

If you’re going to produce a weekly podcast, you’re going to need a lot to talk about! Unsurprisingly, this will be a lot easier if you choose a topic that naturally interests you and that you already have a strong knowledge base in.

Sure, true crime may be a popular podcast genre. But if you have no knowledge of or interest in true crime, it will affect the quality of your content. Podcast audiences can tell the difference between an expert and an imitator, and will quickly abandon your show.

On the other hand, when you choose a specific topic you’re passionate about, you’ll have a much easier time sharing your unique insights and perspectives in a way that will appeal to your target audience.

Decide on a Solo Podcast or Having a Co-Host

While it is easy to get set up for doing a monologue podcast, having a co-host or regular guests can make it much easier to consistently create engaging content. Of course, getting a co-host or guests for your show will require ongoing networking. You’ll need to coordinate schedules and topics of conversation, which can sometimes result in a lengthier production process.

There’s no right or wrong answer as to whether you’ll do solo podcast hosting or have guests or co-hosts. But this is something you’ll want to figure out before you start your show, as it will greatly influence your format and how you discuss your content.

Know Your Recording and Editing Capabilities

You can start a podcast with relatively basic recording equipment and editing software. And if you just need to record yourself (and maybe a guest) speaking into a microphone, basic equipment will probably be fine!

However, for something like a storytelling podcast that involves a large cast, music, and sound effects, you’ll need more advanced editing software and a better recording space. Adding sound effects, choosing the best takes from your voice actors, and other similar tasks will require much more time, expense, and editing know-how.

Understand Your Competition

Finding a unique niche or angle can make all the difference in standing out to your potential podcast audience. Before you dive into a chosen topic, take a look at what other popular podcasts are already doing in that niche. What’s something that you can do differently? Perhaps you can focus on a subtopic with less competition, or approach a topic with a different format than is used by most others in that niche.

Regardless of how you choose to differentiate yourself, make sure that your chosen topic and format is still broad enough that you can produce content well into the future. You don’t want to find yourself running out of ideas for new episodes after just a few months!

Laying Foundations for Success

While there is more to creating a successful podcast than choosing the right podcast genre and format, there’s no denying that this is an important first step. By understanding which genres are most popular and which options are the best fit for your skills and interests, you’ll be better equipped to start developing engaging content for your own podcast episodes.

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